Mood: happy
Put the 17th of November 2012 on your calendar for the Great War Forum and Militaria Auction. More detail at
On the evening before, Frank Corring will be holding a militaria auction at the Caradoc Community Centre. See the website for details. Catalogues are available.
Brian and I were interviewed on Strathroy Rogers Television on the 19th of June
On the 15th of April we will be holding a Great War Forum and Militaria Show. Plans are completed on speakers for the forums and some displays and sellers are in hand. We need volunteers for the show for set up, manning booths, cashier, floor direction etc. Please contact Tim Gillies at if you can help. Thanks
Work on the site of the statue continues as an addition is added to the library and museum site. Thanks Andrew for the picture.
Over 80 people turned out on Saturday the 19th of November to listen to Norm Christie talk about the Vimy Pilgrimage of 1934. When he finished Canadign showed us pictures of their efforts to record the carvings in the walls of the tunnels under Vimy Ridge. A fascinating afternoon that raised over $800.00 for the project. Thanks to one and all.
Photo from Andrew Meyer of the work being done
to the front of the Library and Museum at Strathroy.
The Sir Arthur Currie Memorial will be placed roughly
in the area near the generator in the picture.
Next meeting of the committee is the 8th of December at the
Legion.Also remember that Norm Christie and Canadigm will be at the Westmount Library,
London, Ontario at 2:00 PM on the 19th of November.
Hope to see you.
Happy to report that Museum Strathroy Caradoc, who are a continuing
enthusiastic supporter of the Currie Memorial Project, have received a grant
from Heritage Canada to mount a touring exhibit of Currie's early life in the
Strathroy area. Well done
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